Personal hand hat in Regretsy

 Today "Yue-Sai see the World Expo," interview with the British "hat princess", the designer Emily Baxendale, Emily specially designed new era hats for the British royal family and many, many stars are her fans! Emily has amazing talent, she is very comfortable with the various materials and elements used in the design of hats, flowers, feathers, lace, stones, rattan ... ... she thinks "is the magic hat", this is the case, she is well-deserved hat magician strategy! Today is a very happy, very interesting interview with the designer. I kept changing clothes, for lipstick, change hat, changing shoes, although the trouble, but for me it is fun, when the good woman, can enjoy so many cute things!

High Noon, I believe that many will fear that they have been tanning mm, in order to combat the fierce sun, sun umbrellas, sunscreen, hat and everything! As a white cover three ugly, how to make himself black! Hey, today recommended several of the new era caps, really, more general models, but wins in use, then the trend with a number of items, even a simple hat can also have their own style.

Regretsy is the personal handiwork of foreign trade website, on the site, often there will be ridiculous but also very creative works of infestation. Looking at these strange hat, the proliferation of innocence, right?

If you are a funny boy, a good or very loving father, then you probably put it down to these hats in Rrgretsy website, the price of these Monster Energy Hats in the $ 150 or more, given its unique creative and the complicated production process is basically the price is reasonable. Of course, the best prices do not reflex this translated into RMB, you have the standard according to the percentage of family income to account for. Furthermore, these warm hat function is quite powerful.

Par foxhats le lundi 07 mars 2011


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