For the Chinese Hui people, the color of a hat no special meaning, as long as they like, what colors can be.
Men hat back and forth: a small man wearing a white cap without canopies, also known as "prayer cap", the traditional Muslim male cap, a non-edge small round
Fox Hats. Hui and bowed in worship, the forehead and nose to the ground, wearing a toque operations more convenient, then developed into a dress and customs.
Cap back and forth from the color point of view, usually white, gray, blue, green, red, black and other colors, some solid, there are many Islamic style with lace or patterns, text, such as the moon and stars pattern, Arabic "Allah to Big, "" clear truth "and, according to the different seasons and occasions, choose to wear the kind of appropriate. Wearing a white hat generally fall up to spring, summer, winter wear gray or black. The most unusual thing for the unusual white cap type of marriage the groom wearing red hats and more, to show joy.
Hui cap for general use Dacron, polyester card, cotton and other fabrics production, it also uses the system of white cotton hook. Black is used mostly velveteen, cotton stick blankets, flowers and other materials up to it, can be crocheted with wool. There are also produced by cattle and sheep leather hat is also very popular.
Days Talmud: Persian transliteration, meaning the mosque imam, or cleric of cloth wrapped around his head.
In addition to wearing a white hat Muslim, some are white, yellow towel or cloth Chantou, vulgar "Chantou back and forth," said. According to legend, Muhammad in the early spread of Islam, Touchan Days Talmud week. Days Talmud length is generally 9 feet or 12 feet. Chantou pay attention when there are many, can only be wrapped around the front hairline to the forehead, can not be wrapped around the forehead to the inside, so not conducive to kowtow week, towel wrapped around an elbow leaving a long end hanging in the vest, the other end of the winding after pressure to the back of the head wrapped around the towel layer.
Hui Touchan Daisidaer the more the past, most Hui people are accustomed to wearing a white hat, the mosque's imam, full pull, and often go to the temple town guy who is Chantou's more.
Women in hijab to cover their hair, ears, neck. Muslim women's shame that this body should be covered. The custom of wearing a hijab, one by the Arab Countries. In the Arab region, the original great sand, water less, it is usually difficult purification bath time. In order to prevent sand, hygiene, women concealed their hair to sew a scarf. Later, many Arab and Persian merchants of the practice to China. Second, under the influence of Islam. "Koran," said: "You say your sex, let them reduce the line of sight, covered lower body, MO exposed jewelry, unless the natural exposed, and called them his chest with a veil, MO exposed jewelry ... ..." Although the Chinese Muslim women abandoned mask, but also to protect the head, face scarf, usually the hair, ears, neck cover up the passage of time and gradually formed the habit of Muslim women wearing hijab. Hui before the hijab, some of the hair on his head, and some remain the head, the hair on Naoshao after the hat, after which wear hijab.
Muslim hijab, both in Quanzhou, Guangzhou, Hainan and other coastal areas, or in the Mainland in general are usually green, blue, white and three colors, a girl, wife, the elderly of minutes. General girls wearing green, married women wear black, have grandchildren, or the older elderly women wearing white. Green appears to Kiyotoshi Jiaoli wearing hijab; wearing a white veil appeared clean and discreet
MLB Hats; wearing a black hijab look simple and elegant straight. Muslim women's "hijab," so beautiful, most use silk, silk, georgette, high mid-range fine Dacron material production. In a manner, the elderly, long scarf, to disclose to the vest at; girls and wife of the hijab is short, before the neck to the front cover. Muslim women also like to Phnom Penh is embedded in the hijab, embroidered flowers and elegant style patterns, looking fresh and beautiful, crisp, pleasing to the eye. With the development now, some young Muslim women's hijab also has some style, color changes, even more lively and generous.
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